Thy Kingdom Come

Bible Prophecy Conference/McKinney, TX/Starting January 17th

Welcome to Thy Kingdom Come Bible Conference

Hosted at

Bella Donna Chapel

Bella Donna Chapel is located at:
6641 Mediterranean Drive
McKinney, Texas 75070

Recent Updates September 26th 2023
  • September 26 The Rapture
  • The Rapture; Michael White
Aired January 17th 2023 6:30PM
  • January 24th The Kingdom

  • The Kingdom; Michael White Presentation

  • January 31st (Snowed Out)

–February 7th Not Meeting–

  • Feburary 14th Matthew 24
  • The Olivet [All of it] Discourse; Michael White Presentation
  • February 21st Revelation (The End)
  • Overview Revelation Part 1 ; Michael White Presentation

image “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever." - Daniel 2:44

With these words, God delivered to the prophet Daniel an irreversible promise that one day He would establish a perfect kingdom on this earth; an eternal, heavenly one that would finally and forever depose the imperfect rule of men.

Long before this promise was made, God had established a kingdom among His own people, Israel. Some of Israel’s kings ruled in righteousness and obedience to the Word of God, and the nation experienced great power, wealth, and peace. Many others, however, fell into rebellion and wickedness. During those times, God withdrew His blessings and protection, allowing the leaders and people (including righteous men like Daniel) to be carried away into exile by a nation even more corrupt and evil than itself. While this may appear unjust, we must remember that God is not finished with His people Israel, as His promise given to Daniel confirms.

Regardless of recent attempts to rewrite the history of America, its abundantly clear from the writings of our founders that, they were driven by a desire to serve and honor God as they saw fit. Many believers today, however, are confused and troubled by events happening in this once great country. We can take comfort in the words of one earlier hymn writer, “Though the way of evil prosper yet the truth alone is strong". Despite all the evil and division we are experiencing however, Gods plan and His promises still stand true. The realization of God’s kingdom promised to Daniel so long ago is closer today than ever before.

This Bible conference will examine key prophetic passages and how they relate, exploring the nature and timing of the promised kingdom, showing how God has been developing and revealing its various phases throughout human history.

Please join us as we travel through the Bible with Daniel, Jesus, the Apostles, and the early church, to discover God’s intricate plans to bring this ancient promise to fulfillment through his Son Jesus Christ!

Previous Conferences - Gig Harbor, WA 2021


Original Broadcast Thursday Evening July 8th

Hosted at

Discovery Baptists Church

Original Broadcast Friday Evening July 9th

Original Broadcast Saturday July 10th

Original Broadcast Sunday July 11th

  • The Resurrection; Michael Bouterse